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why should you keep your dreams to yourself and when to share your dreams with others

6 Key Reasons to Keep Your Dreams to Yourself

Have you ever wondered whether to keep your dreams to yourself? Does it actually make a difference to how easily you manifest something, or doesn’t matter? In this article, you’ll learn the energetics of what happens when we share our dreams with others. So, let’s dive in!

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6 Reasons to Keep Your Dreams to Yourself

Many people instinctively feel they should keep dreams to themselves. And yet, it can sometimes feel challenging to contain your excitement. One part of you wants others to witness your journey, and the other is afraid of their judgment. When you keep your dreams to yourself, it can feel less enjoyable. On the other hand, if you share your dreams with others, you may regret it later. How should you navigate this situation?

Generally speaking, keeping your dreams to yourself is often a good idea. And I’ll show you why. However, if you’re surrounded by people who get you and genuinely want the best for you, you don’t need to keep your dreams to yourself. Also, it depends on what stage of manifestation of your dream you are at. So, it really depends on many factors. In either case, you should know what happens on the energetic level when you share your dreams with others.

Before we go deeper, I invite you to pause and consider your past dreams. What happened when you shared them with others? How has your willpower and excitement changed? And what happened when you kept dreams to yourself?


1. Entanglement

When you keep your dreams to yourself, you avoid unhealthy entanglement. When you share your dream in the beginning phases, it primarily exists in higher dimensions. Depending on the energy behind your dream, it can come from 4D, 5D, 6D, or even higher. But most likely, it first exists as a frequency blueprint in the astral plane—4D. This means that it’s yet to be manifested, and it chose you as a vessel for it.

When you don’t keep your dreams to yourself, other people’s astral energy gets entangled with them. The intensity and nature of this energy depend on how strongly they feel about your dream and whether they doubt you.


When you share your dream with others, you invite their energy and expectations into your manifestation. 


Inviting people’s energy to your manifestation can be helpful if they’re on the same wavelength and believe you can make it happen. In that case, it can even give you an extra energy boost. However, the opposite occurs if they don’t think it’s a good idea. How can you tell? Observe how you feel after talking to someone about your dream. Do you feel even more excited or deflated?

2. Enhancing Your Doubts

We have this false idea that other people can help us make the right decision. But this couldn’t be further away from the truth. If you’re thinking of something but aren’t sure, talking about it with others won’t help.


Others only reflect your internal state to you.


If you’re split between whether to act on a dream or not, you’ll attract people who will mirror your doubts and hopes. Ultimately, you won’t be any wiser because it’s about you. Your dreams find you. Then, your ego, emotions, and experience can pollute your dreams and seed doubts. When you discuss it with others, they unconsciously pick up on your indecision and doubts and mirror them.

Therefore, keeping your dreams to yourself before you know what you genuinely want is good. Others will mirror any internal discrepancy when you feel doubtful or in the early birthing stage. And that usually leads to a vicious cycle of self-doubt.

There are many techniques for making the right decisions. You can find some articles on my website or take my masterclass on making decisions with your heart chakra. But remember, your decisions reflect who you are. They are not about others.


3. Is It for You or Others? Higher Self vs. Inner Child

When you doubt whether to keep your dreams to yourself, ask yourself: Is this for me or others? What’s the deeper intention of desiring to share the dream? Sometimes, we share something because we want to share the joy; it doesn’t matter what others think. If you know their reaction doesn’t sway you, you don’t need to keep your dreams to yourself.

On the other hand, if the underlying intention of sharing a vision is to get their opinion or approval, then you’re up for some nasty entanglement. Most dreams are for us. The process of manifesting them helps us become a better version of ourselves. Those dreams are most transformative for you; others might not see it as a sparky, great idea. And they don’t need you. As long as your heart is on fire, you know that this is what you need to act on regardless of what anyone thinks.


Is it your inner child or Higher Self who wants to share it?

Does sharing it benefit you and your dream?

Does it benefit others?

Learn to trust yourself.


If your inner child wants to talk about the dream with others, it’s usually because they want more love, approval, acceptance, feeling secure, or someone to make it happen. When you share it from the inner child’s energy, you feel like you “should” do it, but it never feels good, and you usually regret it afterward. Learning to care for your inner child is essential so you don’t unconsciously project it on others.

On the other hand, if it comes from the Higher Self, there is zero attachment to how others perceive it. And others always feel an element of elevation after you share it. When you share it from the Higher Self, you feel peaceful.


Is this information for me or others?

Be honest about what you expect from others by sharing something.


Of course, knowing the difference takes some inner work and mindfulness. But with some practice and observation, you’ll learn the difference. It may also be helpful to analyze the last time you shared something and see where it came from. That way, it will be easier to spot it in the future.


4. Let It Settle in and Embody It

When you keep your dreams to yourself, at least in the initial stages, you give yourself time to let them settle in. The higher-dimensional energy of your dream has time to become more rooted in 3D, and so do your emotions about it.

This is the art of holding an energetic space for yourself and your dreams. As you lead yourself through manifesting your dream, you deepen your capacity to control that energy. The better your ability to hold, your dream will be more successful.


Let your embodiment speak on your behalf. It’s the most powerful voice you’ll ever have.


When you embody the energy of your manifestation, other people get inspired. They can intuitively feel that you’re serious about it, which is very attractive. It inspires them, and your vision creates sparks in your collective. Embodiment is the art of holding the energy in your body, emotions, mind, and soul and taking aligned action.


5. Protect the Initial Stages

When the idea comes to you to lay down the first foundations, your dream is fragile in the initial stages. Like a child needs nine months to develop fully into a little human, so does your manifestation. The bigger the dream, the longer the birthing stage.

In those initial stages, you’re most fragile to potential criticism, judgment, and opinions of others. Instead of exposing your dreams, you should protect and nurture them. You can tap into the dream’s energy and ask how you want to nurture it. And when it’s ready to be shared.


Is this the right stage of my manifestation to get other people involved and let them know?


Therefore, it’s a good idea to keep your dreams to yourself initially. When you genuinely love yourself, you give yourself space and time to see how you feel and to lay down the systems and anything you need to follow through on the goals before sharing them.


6. Choose Your Audience

The last reason to keep your dreams to yourself is to avoid sharing them with the wrong audience. Yes, you do have an audience. Likely, these are the people you most interact with. But it doesn’t necessarily mean they are the right audience for your dreams. So, how can you choose the right people to share your dreams with?

The right people are either neutral or have achieved something similar to what you’re working towards. They can also be people who have been where you are with your dream, so they understand the nuances and what it takes.


Is this someone who can hold the potency of my dream? Or is this energy harming my dream and diluting its potency?


Often, people make the mistake of sharing all their dreams with those they know, regardless of whether those people qualify for that level of intimacy. Your dreams are between you and your soul, and this process is sacred. You’re the steward of that sacredness. You’re responsible for manifesting the dream and for the energy quality you invite into your vision.

If you tell a friend who has never had a committed, happy relationship that you’re onto manifesting a dream partner, they aren’t your audience. If you ask for business advice from someone who never run a company, it’s the wrong audience. Similarly, if you share a spiritual dream with someone who hasn’t been in your shoes, they won’t get it.

Thus, keeping your dreams to yourself is smart unless you’re with the right people. If you have friends or a coach who has achieved what you want, sharing your dream – although not necessarily in the baby stage – may greatly benefit you


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