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Life Coach Sylvia Salow walking in the mountains.

Feminine Secret Arts

Become the Queen of Your Life!

Ancient Feminine Mysteries Made Modern

I sincerely believe that every woman should know the Feminine Secret Arts. I can’t imagine my life without activating my feminine power and understanding how to channel it to create the life my soul desires. 

I’ve taught women in my signature programs, Feminine Power and Priestess Healing, since 2016, when I first taught this in in-person events. 

Every woman has told me that this is what she has been waiting for, which has changed her life.

I’ve enjoyed reading countless emails of women finding better-paying jobs, taking the giant leaps to move the country or start a business, trusting themselves and their gifts, finding their soulmates, becoming mothers, healing their relationships with their mothers and sisters, and improving their marriages. 

On this page, you can find my signature programs on everything feminine-related. 

Priestess and Life Coach Sylvia Salow

Feminine Power

Embrace Your Infinite Creative Power as a Woman.

There is a queen and goddess within you waiting to be unleashed, nurtured, and given space to recreate your life.

Feminine energy is powerful. Women who tap into their inner magnetism and infinity of the goddess self are irresistible to everything they desire.

The raw feminine energy brings new visions to the physical realm as she reaches the depths within herself. She can birth beautiful things that have never existed before.

You’re not here to ask for permission, to wait, to feel undeserving.

You’re here to create your life from the depths of your heart and soul and your queendom.

It’s time to put on your crown and acknowledge the power you have within.

In the Feminine Power program, you find classes on 6 aspects of feminine energy, AND you’ll also receive 3 juicy workshops: the Heart of Venus, Dark Savage Feminine, and the Art of the Feminine Radiance. 

Feminine Secret Arts Bundle

The Feminine Secret Arts Bundle contains a series of 3 workshops on becoming the Queen of Earth, activating your savage, powerful feminine energy, and keeping yourself and your skin radiant and youthful using high spiritual knowledge.

3 Workshops:

  • The Heart of Venus 
  • The Dark Savage Feminine 
  • The Art of Feminine Radiance 


The Feminine Secret Arts Bundle is for a woman whose heart desires to remember ancient feminine mysteries and use that knowledge to create a life she dreams about.

In the Feminine Arts Bundle, you’ll remember lost ancient feminine mysteries, and Sylvia will guide you through carefully crafted energetic exercises to help you embody each of the teachings.

You can get the Feminine Secret Arts Bundle as a part of the Feminine Power program. 


The Heart of Venus

The Heart of Venus workshop is a woman’s rite of passage to becoming the Queen of Earth. 

You’ll Learn:

  • An Archetypal Rebirth of Venus on Earth – aka YOU stepping into your power.
  • How do you heal the unspoken pain when men (or your man) don’t see you as the goddess? Why does it happen, and how can it be changed?
  • How to keep yourself forever youthful regardless of age: The Self-Renewal Mysteries.
  • The secret mysteries of the Heart of Venus – a long-forgotten sacred feminine knowledge that liberates you to reemerge as the Venus on Earth.
  • How to keep your relationship fun and juicy while being revered.


You can also get the Heart of Venus as part of the Feminine Secret Arts bundle or Feminine Power. 

Sacred Union

The Sacred Union is a 5-week program to heal the love wounds and learn the workings of the feminine and masculine energy in relationships to unlock the secrets of the inner and outer Sacred Union. 

Sacred Union is for anyone who wants to dive deep into the feminine and masculine dynamics in relationships and how to create harmonious soulmate relationships.

You’ll learn:

  • How to heal feminine wounds.
  • How to heal masculine wounds. 
  • The art of polarity in relationships. 
  • The secret of inner union.
  • The outer union and different types of romantic relationships. 

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