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The Difference between the Higher Self and Lower Self Explained

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between the higher self and the lower self? As we ascend, we work intensely with both aspects of us. We experience a push-and-pull dynamic between the two. Knowing the difference between the higher and lower self and how to navigate each is essential. So, let’s dive in!


The Difference Between Higher Self and Lower Self

The difference between the higher Self and lower self lies in their primary focus. Although they both support you during the incarnation cycles, they work differently with your consciousness. During the spiritual journey, we need to recognize when it’s time to work with the higher self more consciously. Focusing solely on the lower aspect of us makes us feel stuck – recreating the same dysfunctional patterns. Although we need to face the lower patterns to transmute them, at some point, we need to focus on the uplifting function of the higher aspect of us. Let’s first take a look at what each represents.


What is the Lower Self

The lower self includes the inner child, the emotional body, the soul, and the subconscious mind. It’s the part of the infinite being that keeps incarnating in lower dimensions to experience the soul’s intentions to the fullest. Through this part of us, we gain valuable life experiences that add to our merit. It is also the most crystallized aspect of our individuation. At the lower level of being, the individuation process is pristine and complete, allowing us to feel like a separate entity. This level of consciousness corresponds to the third dimension and the 4D, 5D, and even 6D, where it starts to tap into the Christ center.

Although we use the term “lower,” it doesn’t mean that this aspect of us is lesser than our higher aspect. It plays a vital role in the universal matrix, allowing us to experience life as we know it. When it is purified, you feel grounded, deeply connected to the earth and your ancestral lineage, creative, and stable. On the other hand, we experience limiting beliefs and imbalance through this aspect of us, too.

The difference between the higher self and the lower self lies in their focus. The lower aspect of being can create obstacles and diversions, so you must focus on your soul’s intentions. Sometimes, we experience a challenging situation, so we finally look within and ask ourselves the right questions.

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What is the Higher Self

The higher self is a stable stream of consciousness. Just like the lower part of us, it also has different levels. On the higher level, it’s a pure consciousness. In the broadest terms, the inner observer watches your actions and thoughts. You’ve certainly felt the inner observer if you practice yoga or meditation. This is your touch point to access your higher being. It’s the profound force behind your life experience.

The higher self is stable. Its purpose on the lower level is to guide the lower self and the soul through incarnations. From this perspective, it is the inner teacher. It can see what you’ve experienced and where you’re headed and talks to you through moments of stillness and clarity. We can’t access the higher aspect of us if we feel ungrounded. Therefore, developing inner calm creates a fertile soil for accessing it.

The lower self goes fully down into the lower dimensions. Therefore, it experiences the incarnations, and it can start accessing its soul’s memories during the last final lifetimes. Accessing past life memories aids in understanding the major soul lessons you’re here to master and heal any soul wounds. The higher self, on the other hand, observes and guides those experiences.


The Bigger Picture

To understand the difference between the higher self and the lower self, it’s helpful to see the bigger picture. Initially, we were connected to that one source – in a pure state of oneness -and then we slowly started our journey of descension. As we gradually moved down through the dimensions, we developed the higher self. At first, this part of us didn’t have any specific coloring. It was still very much connected to the one source, the pure consciousness.

As it descended into lower dimensions, it started developing its individuation. This is what we call the Christ consciousness. Christ consciousness is that point where you begin to create the sense of I, so you are no longer in that oneness. Christ’s self is the lower aspect of the higher self and the highest part of the lower self. At this level, we start to develop our personality. 

As we continue descending into lower dimensions, the lower self is born. It needs to be somewhat disconnected from its higher aspect. At least there is that illusion of that disconnection of that separation. If that wasn’t the case, you wouldn’t be on this journey, and you wouldn’t be having those experiences.


The descension took place to develop the sense of I. 


As we fully develop our personality, we begin ascending, reuniting with our higher aspect. We start our journey of ascension and start connecting, merging the lower and higher selves through the Christ center. The Christ center neutralizes any extremes in emotions and thinking within us. Our energy becomes very stable when we connect to the Christ center.


The Shadow Healing

When working with our lower aspect, we need inner child healing work. The inner child healing allows the balancing of the emotional body. We work with emotions and help them become stable so that we can reach deeper states of consciousness. Similarly, becoming aware of the subconscious programs and releasing limiting beliefs is helpful. Journaling is a great tool.

You’ll feel drawn to accessing your soul’s memories as you heal your emotional and mental bodies. This is what we do in the Lightworker Healing. This signals that you’re tapping into your Christ center and starting to reunite with the higher aspect of you more consciously.


Expansion and Embodiment

The key difference between the higher and lower self spiritual work is that our higher part grows us through expansion. Unlike our lower part, which is about overcoming limitations, the higher aspect is about embodying the spaciousness of your being. It’s about taking up more energy space and expanding the consciousness.

Another way of tapping into the higher part of us is through embodiment. Thus, we apply everything we’ve learned from other lives, books, mentors, etc. We act as beings who truly understand the lessons. The knowledge is no longer theoretical; it becomes practical.

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