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Instead of Manifesting Become the Best Version of Yourself

Many people talk about manifestations in the spiritual community, but the most potent attraction tool is to become the best version of yourself. There is a difference between manifesting to get something and becoming the best version of yourself. When you become the best version of yourself, you let the right things find you. Everything falls into place because you move from a place of inner alignment and integrity.


Why Manifesting Limits You

Manifestation is used as a tool to get something specific: a bigger house, a new car, a partner, etc. It’s always to chase something, something new, something better. And while all these things are valid, they may also be blocking you because you are not on this planet to surround yourself with many things. That is not the purpose of life. You’re here to become the best version of yourself.

We manifest from the astral or higher energies depending on where our desires originate. The traditional way of manifestation works on the astral realm level. We connect to certain astral collective thought forms that make us feel we need that thing or other. Basically, we chase specific astral images and illusions that may not even belong to us. And likely they don’t. You may be psychically tapped into the collective field and influenced by certain images, and you use your astral energy to bring them into your life.


However, those manifestations don’t make you feel fulfilled. They don’t bring you any further on your journey because they are not aligned with who you truly are. 

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Become the Best Version of Yourself

When you become the best version of yourself, you naturally attract everything meant for you. Everything that wants to support you finds you. You become magnetic to the soul-aligned experiences and people. Your aura shines bright and vibrates at the highest frequency. That way, you don’t need to figure out what you should manifest; it comes to you naturally.

You unlock your highest potential when you become the best version of yourself. Situations reorganize in your life to support you. You can see new solutions that didn’t previously exist. And the best part is that you enjoy your life. Becoming the best version of yourself is the key to a joyful life. Suddenly, it’s not about what you must do; it’s about falling in love with the person you came here to be. 

This Only Works When You’re Authentic

When you become the best version of yourself, it needs to come from an authentic place. You may hear people saying, just be authentic. But what does it mean, and why does it matter? It takes time for some people to get to know themselves truly.

Perhaps you care about what others think of you, which keeps you from exploring yourself. Maybe you find yourself in a messy situation where you don’t feel you have the freedom to follow your heart. But to become the best version of yourself, you need to get to know yourself. Not what people expect from you. Get in touch with the desires and dreams your Spirit put into your heart.

So, the first step to becoming the best version of yourself is to get in touch with your dreams, wants, and needs and recognize your patterns. As you get to know yourself, erase anyone else’s opinion from your mind. Give yourself some time – a week, months, or a couple of hours – to connect with what YOU want. Your authentic self is right there, under the layers of what you “should” be. As you get in touch with your dreams, you have a roadmap to become the best version of yourself.


Becoming the best version of yourself is to live a life aligned with who you truly are and who you came here to be. This is your point of magnetism. 


Who Is the Best Version of Yourself

Becoming the best version of yourself will evolve with time. Once you embody an aspect of yourself, you’ll naturally desire to expand more into who you are. You’re in a continual state of becoming. As you move along your highest path, everything that is meant for you will find you. Instead of focusing on the external things, your focal point becomes you. You seek your inner alignment with your original blueprint.

So when you focus on becoming the best version of yourself and nurturing your inner genius and talents, you nurture your energy foundation. This internal foundation then attracts the experiences that are for your highest good. You grow as a holistic being instead of just trying to get a new car or something.

The clarity around who is the best version of yourself comes from within. You can get inspired externally, but there is a risk that you end up following someone else’s path. Therefore, take the time to ask yourself what the best version of yourself is. How can you become it?

When you become the best version of yourself, what do you have, do, create? 


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Get my step-by-step process on becoming the best version of yourself using the quantum shifting technique. You can apply the same method to achieving anything your soul desires. You can get the masterclass here.

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