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why your intentions matter more than you think

Why Your Intentions Matter More than You Think?

Why your intentions matter more than you think? Why does having good reasons for our choices matters?

Every single thing in our lives is determined by the quality of our intentions. More important than what kind of choices we make is WHY we choose them. The reason behind each decision determines the outcome we get. The universe doesn’t respond to choices since all possible alternatives have already been made.

What do I mean by that?

You can imagine life as a computer game. You can decide to make any move you want all combinations of outcomes of your choices already exist. The freedom lies in the attachment of a powerful intention for your choice. 


Trials are but opportunities to make new better decisions.


You can determine what will happen based on the intentions that you give to each choice. It is like sending a signal to the universe to deliver you either outcome based on wrong reasons or good ones.

We keep facing the same struggles again and again so we can choose differently this time. If we make another choice for a good reason, then we get released from old patterns. There is no need to face the same issues if you didn’t repeat the same mistake.


“The more aware of your intentions and your experiences you become, the more you will be able to connect the two, and the more you will be able to create the experiences of your life consciously. This is the development of mastery. It is the creation of authentic power.”

-Gary Zukav

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Why your intentions matter more than you think?


1. Why do you want it?

Many times, we do things that we were told to do, or everyone else is doing it so why to do it differently, right? We get a job; we nurture our bodies in a certain way, we have many habits repeating each day.

But the important question is why? What is the intention? Why am I doing this? Who I want to be in this situation? How do I want to feel when I choose this?

If we are not clear about why we want something, we only get chaotic results. When the intention is not crystal clear, then it is so easy to be influenced by others and get some of this and some of that.


2. The most powerful reason at the given moment.

There is no need to be stressed about getting everything always right. Instead, focus on attaching the best intention for your choice based on how you feel at that moment.

What can the best intention for my choice be right now?

Dig in your feelings for a while and infuse the most powerful intention to your decision based on what kind of person you want to be at the moment. Then, you will choose again and again.


3. Leave a legacy.

Many of us live from day-to-day or with very short-term visions. We live as if our lives wouldn’t matter. We are told that we cannot create a meaningful difference, so many don’t even try.

Living as if there is no purpose and as if we didn’t count, is a lie that we bought into. The truth is that there is nothing more important than what we do, what we feel and what we choose. Our impact on the outer world is much more significant than we assume. 

Our choices create new energy which spreads into the universe. Through our feelings, thoughts, and deeds we determine everything around us. Energetically, we impact people, and we attract the synchronicity.


The intentions of our choices determine the kind of outcome we get.


If we do something from negative space, we receive a negative result. However, we can choose from a space of better intention the next time. Everything that we do matters, so learn to make long-term choices. When we are not sure what intention is the best at any given moment, think about what kind of legacy you want to leave. Perhaps, to your beloved ones, your children, or your community, or the whole world (remember, each thought influences energetically everything).


4. Does your choice bring you any closer to your dreams?

We are here to challenge ourselves, to pursue and to fulfill our desires. That’s what brings meaning and uniqueness into our lives. When facing a choice, ask yourself, does this choice help me to do something meaningful with my life?


5. Are you choosing out of love or fear?

Does your choice empower you? Does it help you to show and share your greatness? This means being brutally honest with yourself. Sometimes, we choose something other than what we want only because we are scared. We let fear rule our lives. But my question is, when will you choose what you want because this is who you really are, if not now?


Give what you want to receive.


If you want to be taken seriously and be loved, choose from a space of love. If you want to have a positive impact on others, choose the right intentions for your choices.

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