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Sylvia Salow

Welcome to my website! A place to explore your highest potential and remember who you are.

Soul Healer

My aim is to help you remember who you truly are, unlock your highest potential and step into your sovereignty. Explore the Mystery School of Remembrance for lightworkers, starseeds, and priestesses.


Read a memoir of Sylvia Salow and walk your transformation journey alongside her. Or read Sylvia’s second book to dive deep into understanding and rewiring your subconscious mind.


Sylvia Salow gives speeches and workshops internationally on personal transformation, stepping into power and potential, ascension, the soul's journey, and more.

Embody Your Soul

Unlock your potential and step into the highest version of yourself!

Priestess and Life Coach Sylvia Salow

About me

I started this blog and my business for two reasons:

  • To help you grow into your full potential by healing your deep soul wounds and helping you remember who you truly are.
  • Help you step into your soul’s power and sovereignty to embody your highest timeline.

It’s time to remember your true self.

Mystery School

Step onto a journey of remembering, initiation, and integrating your soul’s wisdom across lifetimes. Explore the curriculum of the Mystery School of Remembrance


Lightworker Healing

The Lightworker Healing is the Mystery School's first pillar, helping you to remember your true self and soul gifts and healing deep soul wounds from other lifetimes.

Starseed Healing

Have you ever felt connected to the stars and felt like an alien here? Activate your multidimensional Starseed memories and activate your crystalline energy.

Priestess Healing

Do deep remembrance and chills run through you when you hear the word, Priestess? Step into your feminine power and step into the Divine Feminine Mysteries.

Sacred Business

"Abundant sacred work" for yourself, others, and the world." Join a" 5-Month Business Mentorship" for soulpreneurs.

Spiritual Leadership

Leadership is for you, through you, for all. Enter the 5-month temple to embody your highest service to the world.



In her books, Sylvia Salow brings practical tools and inspiration for people to navigate their transformation and stepping into their purpose, as well as understanding and rewiring their subconscious mind to create the life they desire.
Sylvia Salow book cover: Become the CEO of Your Mind
Sylvia Salow book cover: Find Yourself



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