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12 Responses

  1. Hello all,

    I hope some of you still get in this website. I just wanted to share with you an app I found on iStore called HDesign. I have tried some website for Human Design, and this in specific I found it super accurate and simple to understand and use. I have used it for other people and clove compatibilities, and it blows my mind how accurate it is.
    Hope you like it as much as I do :-p

  2. The portal fee was €222, there were 22 of us taking part, the second session was on the 22nd and there are 22 paths on the tree of life, and there are 11 sefirot which in pairs makes 22. Maybe in past lives some of us have walked the paths together to help each other form our tree of life.

  3. Hello everyone!
    It’s a pleasure to share the same space with you all through Sylvia’s portal sessions. Since it started or when I have thought of the group, I have seen the number 22 a lot, which I thought was interesting given there were 22 of us. Apologies, I appear as named ‘owner’ during the video calls, I had work done on my laptop recently and I’m not sure how to change it back to my name (Melanie)!
    I felt connected to the Higher Self energy and thought it was interesting to discover through the human design resources that I am a Manifestor. I’ve certainly noticed how my aura effects people and there always seems to be change after I go somewhere in new jobs for example. I’ve felt the need to be cautious and responsible for how my energy effects people for quite a long time.
    I feel that my gifts have always been to help people, although I’ve not always known how. I have a ‘knowing’ feeling of people generally and outcomes of people’s situations, I didn’t used to understand why others didn’t when I was younger.
    I had an awakening experience living in Hong Kong, I fell in love and worked with children and found I had a talent here I didn’t know. I’ve since bought a children’s business that I felt I could be of some service through.
    After I returned from Hong Kong, I felt completely different and my perceptive and intuitive abilities were super charged. I was scared by this and suppressed this in myself for a long time, whilst always secretly trying to find out answers about myself and differences.
    I’ve always been and empath, physic sometimes, I’ve had different spiritual experiences. I’ve had dreams where I’ve been taken to different places. I’ve heard a voice a couple of times. One in particular felt as though it spoke through fabric of everything.
    I was searching for someone I guess as a guide and had been for some time really, I found Sylvia and felt a connection (thank you so much for your beautiful work Sylvia!)

    1. Hi Melanie,

      The following link provides detailed instructions on how to change your Display Name in Zoom.

      If that doesn’t solve the issue then most likely it will require some additional steps within the operating system. Let me know and I’ll try and guide you through it.

      Regarding the number 22, I too have been pondering this ever since the Portal sessions began. From my brief understanding of numerology, numbers that double up, e.g. 11, 22, 33 are referred to as Master Numbers and signify certain attributes. Master Number 22 is associated with building and it’s no coincidence in my opinion that the 22 pathways within the Tree of Life are symbolic of building. I think each of us is a pathway that can connect us to deeper truths. I was visualizing the 10 Sephirot lighting up once we fully connect and then revealing the secrets of the 11th Sephirot. Master number 11 is sometimes associated with Divine connection and bridging the spiritual and physical realms. I briefly lived in Israel and remember discussing with a Rabbi that there was this 11th hidden dimension within Kabbalah. When added together (22 + 10) you get what’s known as the 32 Paths of Wisdom. My understanding of Kabbalah and the Tree of Life is very basic but I do have some intuitive belief that when the 11th Sephirot is activated, it creates 33 paths. The number 33 is associated with the Master Teacher. It is reflected in the human body (33 vertebrae in the human spinal column), Jesus is thought to have lived for 33 years. It shows up in many other cultures/religions, as well as science and mathematics. 32 and 33 are also significant numbers in Freemasonry.

      As was mentioned in the first Portal session, there are 22 Major Arcana in the Tarot. When transposed over the Tree of Life it depicts the Fool’s Journey, that’s more representative of the Archetypical mind/body/spirit as it descends through the dimensions and back up again. Out of the three major ancient wisdom disciplines (Astrology, Kabbalah, Tarot) I relate most to Tarot but consider myself a novice at best. I would enjoy reading about your (or anyone else’s) experiences and insights on any of these topics.

      There are also 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet that correspond to each pathway on the Tree of Life.

      From my experience, the synchronicity of seeing repeating numbers usually is an indicator of something significant aligning. Pay attention to the thoughts you have when you see these numbers and discover your own truths. The universe becomes a lot more interesting the more you realize how ‘alive’ everything is.

      On a more practical level, maybe your business experience can help me with something I’ve been working on. Perhaps we can discuss further at some point. 😊

      And just for laughs, I noticed the time when posting this was 22:22 my local time. 🙂

  4. I kind of joke with people that the only real work I do, is the work on myself, everything else is either a job or hobby. Facing my self, my fears, the dark thoughts and emotions, past pain and finding a way to remain positive and happy has helped reveal my gifts and strengths. The Portal workbooks have helped me heal certain wounds. I’ve made the most progress on myself these last two weeks by sitting down and being completely honest with myself. I feel really open with all of you and I’m happy that you are the ones I get to share with. I enjoyed reading all of your comments, thank you for sharing! I see many similarities between us and other aspects where we complement each other. Sorry in advance for such long comments, and also I’m still working on myself, so if there’s anything that doesn’t resonate or is contradictory, please just ignore it. It’s always my intention to be authentic…

    I would say that I’ve been spiritual from a very young age and as I grew through experience, so did my spiritual awareness. It felt like I was experiencing multiple realities simultaneously at times. My mystical experiences would be catalysts overlapping with my more mundane experience. There were times when I was focused primarily on deeper truths and times when I wasn’t really spiritual at all. For this exercise I went as far back as I could, and relived many experiences. They are way too long to write out in detail and I think part was more for my healing. I’m always happy to share later if you feel it will help.

    The primary pain points in my life have mainly revolved around childhood psychological confusion, emotional heartbreak, mental anguish/exhaustion from not completing projects that I poured my heart and soul into.

    These experiences have helped show me what I can overcome and how resilient I am. It’s definitely strengthened and unlocked my heart chakra to the point where unconditional love radiates from my heart space the majority of the time. Every heartbreak and disappointment in my life has provided a valuable lesson. Every challenge gave me an option, be bitter and resentful or find the love and have faith that I would understand and appreciate the experience at a future time. Every time I chose to love more, my heart grew stronger, with a greater appreciation of the magic it could perform, the number of people I could resonate with because I could find a small piece of myself within each of them.

    As a child I contemplated the vastness of outer space and why it seemed like most humans believed that Earth was the only planet with intelligent life on it. I would often ask this question (and many more) and always get an answer that just sparked more questions. I remember looking up many times at the star lit sky wondering if there was anything out there that was looking back at me. I remember talking to the stars, asking if anyone could hear me.

    My childhood was difficult to manage and I had no real direction in life as I graduated high school. I was very carefree and free spirited, guided mainly by my intuition. My intuition guided me to move to New York City when I was 18, with only $250 in my pocket, with only one friend in a city with 8+ million people. I ended up making so many friends that offered so many expanding perspectives. I worked the most bizarre jobs, studied and read books, went to various nightclubs on weekends, combined with mystical experiences weaving in and out of my consciousness that nourished my soul.

    My mental conditions helped me understand the nature of mind and how powerful our thoughts and beliefs are. I sought medical help when I experienced depressing episodes, thinking that addressing my issues would help get them resolved. I was told I had certain mental conditions. I believed what the doctors said because I blindly believed they were experts when it came to so called mental illnesses. I took their prescribed medications thinking I was educated by reading up on the mechanics of how the drug worked. Most made me feel even worse, so I stopped taking them. Some I got addicted to and experienced the struggles of the addict, the guilt and shame of being weak and the root causes that construct such a mindset. The traps that one unintentionally sets when trying to quit. I have been mindful to not demonize drugs, or any sort of negative attitude towards something. All things originate from the same Divine source, and when things start getting categorized into good and bad, it generates disharmony in the planetary field. As Divine beings I deeply believe we are representatives of Oneness and we demonstrate this more through actions than words. This is a challenging task and I will be the first to admit I fall short many times. At the same time I do not advocate drug use. I just share the experience as I remember it. I had many interesting experiences. This was mostly in my young adult years during experimentation phases. I experimented with almost all the major classes of drugs and their derivatives (except for marijuana, which ironically was probably the least harmful) One by one, I stopped as I went through my phases. I mainly just got bored with them, as they didn’t really create anything novel in my experience.

    I intuitively started meditating more and spending more time in nature. Over time my mental state became much stronger. Over the years I created my own techniques to create and maintain healthy habits. I was also blessed to meet loving healers that guided me to my own mental healing, and within a short time period. I increased my awareness to observe how the mind is constantly exposed to influences and to feed my mind as I would my body. I believe there is only so much one can understand by reading books alone. I feel going through a similar experience helps create a more relatable healing dynamic. So if anything, I hope my experience can be a roadmap to self healing.

    With all this constant activity, I still felt lost trying to figure out my purpose. I tirelessly tried to build something tangible in the visible world that would best represent my spirit, not realizing the temple of light that was being revealed within me, as each chip of pain was chiseled out of my heart space until the fully awakened heart radiated its golden energy from the core of my being. I feel so much joy and happiness lately and it’s not dependent on external circumstances or by feeling accepted.

    I’ve had the privilege of living in various environments, traveling to distant countries, spending time with so many different people, many with opposing viewpoints and beliefs, I didn’t judge anyone based on where they were on their journey or what role they were playing, and that’s what I saw, that everyone is the hero in their journey. I spent time with teachers, artists, students, computer scientists, drug dealers, lawyers, gay/straight/whatever orientation , prostitutes, businessmen, rabbis, yuppies, hippies, chefs, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, etc. and no matter how different we were I always focused on where we connected, I found a piece of myself in each one and loving them unconditionally was natural. I even sought out those I thought I could never relate to. I didn’t accomplish this in the most graceful manner, my experience has had many comedic aspects but I learned to laugh at my blunders. I continue to do this inner work so that I can share my gifts and help others build their own temples of light. The most difficult being to love was myself, that ancient one, keeper of wisdom, sovereign being of love and light! One of my gifts is resilience, like the phoenix I always rise. I hope that we all lift each other up. I learned about pain and suffering by experiencing it first hand, transmuting the negative with love and compassion. I volunteered to take the dark path to better understand those that suffer, so that I could guide them back to their light. I didn’t realize it until recently but I’ve been living my purpose my entire life, now I’m just more conscious of it. I look forward to do more healing work with Sylvia so I can use my gifts more responsibly.

    What things or topics have always fascinated you and are a bit out of the norm?

    Ancient civilizations/structures, mythology, external mental conditioning, ethnic and cultural influences, personal/cultural belief systems, patterns/parallels within certain philosophies/disciplines, origins of consciousness, planetary cycles, relationships and influences, mysticism, mind/body/spirit and its relationship to energy, metaphysical healing, subconscious reprogramming, thought transference, out of body experiences, memory, reality creation, Tarot, astrology, numerology, synchronicity, imagination, intuition, Ra Confederacy, Law of One, spiritual quarantine, crystalline body

    What gifts, talents, and inclinations naturally rise in you?

    I’m also very creative, with an entrepreneurial spirit. I started a business in 2018 that centered around a novel idea of taking the mundane activity of children’s bathtime and transforming it into an entertaining and educational activity. We created our own universe that has all these unique characters, each with diverse backgrounds and their main objective is cleaning up their city that became neglected. We came up with many products that are unique and interrelated. The main product is waterproof comics so parents can read adventure stories, hopefully helping to strengthen the parent-child bond, creating a space where children can use their imagination, the stories written in a fun way where as a byproduct children learn the value of hygiene and taking care of the environment. We have lots of other products that go with it. I worked nonstop on it as I thought this was the dream project that reflected most my spirit. I ended up in the hospital and that’s around the time I had my biggest spiritual awakening. I started focusing more on spirituality and my business partner took a job working on a VR project. Right now it’s in limbo.

    Connecting/relating with people on an individual level. Understanding their perspective in a non-judgmental manner. Establishing a nurturing, safe space.

    Listening very attentively and remembering small details.

    I’ve noticed that people open up to me rather quickly. I know sometimes this might be difficult so I have a strict rule never to repeat anything that is shared. Sometimes the only thing people need to heal is to release something and let it go. I feel repeating it can inadvertently keep some residual energy lingering.

    Instilling confidence and belief within people so that they can overcome challenges and have the ability to learn new things (usually related to technology)

  5. Hello,

    I am studying regression therapy and working on my diploma cases at the moment. Should anyone be interested in exploring current or past lives to get some insights, clear blockages or investigate gifts and talents you are most welcome. I work with the help of hypnosis or emotional and body bridges. I also need to build my toolbox and if anyone is open for experiments, please let me know.


    Jurate Mitrakas (available on messenger)

  6. I’m still working on my comment regarding my gifts but just wanted to add some additional thoughts from today’s class regarding money. I’ve had a very intense relationship with money during this life experience. I’ve made lots of money and lived a very luxurious lifestyle where I could afford many things and have also been so poor that I had to look for loose change just to afford food. Those extreme experiences have helped me see that there is also a consciousness related to money and how those beliefs are ingrained into the majority of people, restricting their access to the unlimited abundance that is a Divine birthright.

    Growing up, money was always an issue and not talked about in a positive light. Also, that the only way to make money was by working hard. As a child I wondered why it seemed that the people who worked hard often made less money than the people who seemed to make more just by enjoying what they do. As an early adult I made money very quickly just by being myself, most of my childhood dreams manifested quickly but I felt guilty a lot because I felt like I was making too much and that it was too easy. By tapping into this guilt consciousness I ended up believing that I didn’t deserve it and soon enough I got the reality I was creating in my mind. There were many other factors that contributed to this experience. As with most difficult experiences I look for the lesson involved and that creates further insights going forward that can hopefully help others.

    I’ve always enjoyed helping other people and would do so just because it always felt like the right thing to do. A lot of solutions come naturally to me when someone needs help with something. I didn’t realize the amount of time and effort that I spent learning all those solutions and techniques. Charging people or asking for any money also felt difficult. I asked myself why I felt it is okay to receive money for a job where they pay for your time and effort but not okay when you spend your time and energy helping others?

    I had this thought about Lightworkers 💡after the class…Do any of you magically expect the lights to come on at night if you don’t pay your electric bill every month? You are all light bulbs illuminating someone’s path. Even though the real reward is in the work itself, you deserve to be compensated for your time and energy. Without this current of currency your lightbulb will require a lot of maintenance 🙂 (I know from experience)

    I agree with Breanna’s comment that schools should teach basics about money and financial literacy. I also believe helping children identify and cultivate their inherent skills would be a very valuable subject taught in schools. I went through school without ever knowing my purpose and that always stressed me out, especially growing up when everyone else seemed to have a clear direction moving forward. I told Sylvia that I wish I had taken her courses when I was much younger because then I could focus on developing and accepting my gifts vs. trying to fit into some pre-constructed reality where I felt I had to play a role. I think that children already come into this world pure with unlimited potential but get corrupted with limiting beliefs. If everyone was living their purpose fully, they wouldn’t need to worry about money because true wealth is generated from within. We often talk about the middle path or the third way, the same concept applies with money. Rich and poor are opposites of the same coin. They are dependent on external outcomes or circumstances. Wealth on the other hand, is generated from within, you determine your value and worth. Can you imagine the beautiful energy that would be created on this planet if we all lived each day joyfully and in tune with our Divine purpose?

  7. Hi Wonderfuls,

    It’s great to be able to share our hearts and gifts here.

    For me, insofar as I’ve been able to lead myself to accept myself (and thus others, and the world) as inherently Whole and simply Be with nothing to fix, I’ve also guided others to the same. From this state of Being, we’re able to see how best to deal with, or Be with earthly challenges. It’s not always that I’m in this state, for we’re in a flux of moving between states, and that’s ok, all part of the journey.

    Opening my heart, allowing the essence of my soul that is Compassion to arise, and letting this lead my mind was the experience that turned my eyes, mind and life around.

    There’s no end to the inward journey, so much to discover and play with, within ourselves and with each other and use in service for the betterment of the world (without force, of course)…

    I don’t know if it’s appropriate to ask now / here, but if anyone is interested have a “study-buddy,” I’d love to connect with you –>
    (I’ve input my email address in the pdf file in the link above in my private cloud drive as I don’t know if junk bots will pick up e mail addresses if it’s typed out here, my apologies… Thank You for your understanding … )

    Wish us all a beautiful Portal journey, and Thank You all, for being part of my journey. With Love, Lin

  8. I started my spiritual journey in 2008, the impetus being a time of deep grief. It went into a bit of “remission” during the intervening years until 2020 when I felt I was on the precipice of something, which led me to be introduced to a local energy healer. Working with her and subsequent study and growth brought me to Sylvia last year for the Priestess Healing mystery school. Something about The Portal called to me, though I wasn’t consciously looking for it. 🙂

    I feel a little stumped about what my gifts are. I’m finding myself doing some heavy shadow work currently, echos from past incarnations that seem to be holding me back in different ways. For those familiar with Pathwork, I’m also uncovering and acknowledging some images I wasn’t aware of previously that are not very flattering. So challenging stuff currently.

    My purpose – the way I interpret this that in 2021 an “idea” (vision?) was planted in my heart to open a mediation and yoga center on the rural homestead I grew up on which my parents are leaving to me in their will. It was accompanied by a week or two of ‘buzzing’ (now I realize it was vibration) in my chest (now I realize it was my heart space) and an absolute certainty that it was to be. How it will manifest I do not know yet.

    I am just curious and open about the portal, and happy to be hear with you all.

  9. I thought the energy had a high vibration and was pulsing, which I’ve not felt before in a group session.
    I have gifts from other life times that i can use in this one. I see my gifts as part of a life of service.
    In Alexandria i could make myself invisible when i entered the underground tunnels. I can do this again to help people with my light without them realising.

  10. Hello!

    This is Elizabeth from Houston, Texas, USA. Born in Venezuela, raised in Portugal and now living in Houston for the last 14 years.

    During a meditation with my Higher Self, he told me that I have the gift of healing and that I can pursuit in this lifetime if I want to. Right after the session ended, in a very coincidental way, I stumbled upon a Reiki Level 1 & 2 training program that was going to start right the next day, so I enrolled. That was in October 2022, and since then I’ve been learning more and more about these topics.

    I also have the gift of empathy, especially with women. Women tend to open up with me and tell me their own hurtful stories… And I believe that sharing something that hurts you, it’s a way of healing too.

    I have also developed lately the gift of receiving messages from my guardian angels or spirit guides. When I receive messages, I tend to feel them more than “hear” them.

    The energy that I’m embodying is The Warrior, strategical, mindful, action-oriented, methodical, decisive. This Warrior will be loyal and protective to “my body-self”.

  11. My gifts: I sometimes experience clairaudience, especially when it is a very divine message and something that I need to know very clearly. an example of this was being told that “I am a healer” in my ear as I was waking up one morning a couple years ago & I have been on this journey since. I’m also clairsentient and clairvoyant, both are very strong in my energy healing practices with my clients. I would also say my gift is being a master teacher truly. I taught elementary school for the past 5 years but my soul was leading me out of the classroom and into my business named “high-Vibe Teaching” where I not only give clients the space to heal through my energy healing work, but I also teach on energetic principles and universal laws that make so much sense to me. I kew these existed before I learned there were names to it–> ex: law of attraction. I also believe a gift is teaching about money and financial literacy. I feel so strongly about this and wish there was more teaching about money in school. I help my clients with their money mindset and empowerment around money. Going back to when Sylvia mentioned many of the gifts we have been doing were from we were children, I have always loved money even as a toddler. I had a far distant family member remember an experience when I was around 3 or 4 and for a Christmas gift I received 3 dollars where I was ECSTATIC. I loved the dollar bills more than toys. I feel like a gift of mine will be to energetically help people heal their money blocks through energy work. I would also say a gift of mine is understanding men.. this is new to me.. but I feel I could help men step into their power and align to their balance. I grew up with a brother and a cousin who was like my bother.. and it was very easy for my to connect with boys rather than girls growing up (of course I thought there was something wrong with me, but there wasn’t. I just understood and still do). I also feel a strong gift of mine is holding women to embody their feminine power. I feel like I can able to hold the neutral space for women to come, learn, and heal to embrace their feminine essence and step in their full potential. To put it very simply: I believe I am here to help people step into their full potential. I also believe a gift of mine will be when I become a mother and really trailblazing a path for other working women to help them balance their lives as well (going back to feminine embodiment & healing). Another gift I feel within me is helping soul led business owners create the impact and income they desire. Unblocking their money blocks to allow in more prosperity abundance and wealth into their lives and helping them understand that money is not evil and teaching new ways to view money. I believe business can be used to benefit the entire collective and this I am very passionate about, this is what led me to creating my own business. Looking at the examples of gifts from the course, I definitely am a healer. I am able to transmute really any emotion easily and lead my clients to do the same. I believe I can also time shift with inner child healings and am able to lead my clients through quite easily as well. I believe I am a grid worker because the number of trips I have manifested is A LOT. Ive been all over the world and feel like I have only just begun. The trips are presented to me with little to no work on my part at all. I believe I am a light worker as well because I do use color in my energy healing sessions. There’s so much I feel like I am here to do. I really just want to have fun along the way and enjoy all of this. I love helping people but in a very…. upholding way. Almost like having high expectations for my clients and holding that space for them to reach there by guiding them. I just feel like I’m here to ignite a lot of people to tap into their full potential and I love teaching and holding space for people to do so. I love encouraging people and truly believe we can be do and have anything we desire that is for the betterment of all involved.

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