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The Portal

The Portal is a highly energetic self-study program to take you to the next level as a lightworker, healer, shaman, magician, and starseed.


Step  Through the Portal

The Portal is a symbol for claiming your dharma – your highest timeline and letting the world see you in your gifts, fully activated and aligned with your inner strength and power.

Through the multidimensional energy facilitated through the Portal interwoven with the teachings, you’ll be able to get fired up or deepen your inner fire to step to the next levels of your life as a lightworker.


The Portal Details

3 Pre-recorded Sessions
120 minutes each

+ 3 Guidebooks

+ 1 Bonus Training
Spiritual Protection & How to Develop Relationship to Your Gifts Through Simple Rituals

The Portal combines guided energy exercises and activations, teachings, and healing.


How can you access the Portal Program?

Upon signing up for the Portal, check your order confirmation email to receive access information.


Week 1: Step Through the Portal

Reclaim that inner healer, shaman, priestess, or magician in you, and use your gifts to heal yourself. I’ll show you how to walk through your portal and activate your gifts.

We open the path of self-initiation and self-leadership.

Week 2: Transcendence

You opened the portal, and now it’s time to move to your inner truth and transmute any limiting beliefs about being seen in your gifts, big, firm, powerful, leader, and healer.

This session will go deep into the heart of transcendence from the shadow to your Original Blueprint. We’ll go through the deepest limiting beliefs I’ve witnessed in other lightworkers, healers, and leaders over the years around being seen in your gifts, and we’ll utilize that energy to bridge us to the next level.

Week 3: Highest Timeline

We’ll remove any residual limitations to help you embody your highest timeline. I’ll teach you a roadmap of how to stay in your power, move in alignment with your highest timeline, and learn to hold the potency of your highest timeline.


Learn more about the Portal here.