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Soul Healing Is an Essential Step of The Ascension

Soul healing might be the missing piece you’ve been searching for. On a spiritual journey, we first commit to healing your emotional and mental bodies. We focus on the physical level of healing. And we build strong foundations for our future expansion. But the healing and ascension journey doesn’t end there. This is only the beginning.

Soul Awakening

At some point, you’ll be magnetically drawn to soul healing. At first, you might connect with your soul here and there. Later you learn to maintain the connection with your soul for a longer time. Your initial impulse to connect with your soul might be a profound – and totally unexpected – heart chakra awakening. Perhaps, you’ve met your heart opener (aka your twin flame). Or you’ve been initiated onto the spiritual awakening journey in other ways. Either way, you’ve tasted the flavor of your beautiful soul.

When you tap into the energy of your soul, it feels wonderful. This is what you had been yearning for without realizing it. Your soul has led you to the space of sacred opening to create more space for her light to descend upon you. You see your life from a new perspective. And information starts flooding into your life. There is this invisible thread of energy connecting you to the right resources, places, people. You’re feeling more than ever before. Your heart is expanding as if it were elastic. When you think it’s reached its maximum capacity, it opens even more. And so you ride the waters of awakening.

With shock, you look back at your previous life, and you wonder how on Earth have you allowed yourself to live in so much fear.

Your eyes begin to see truly. You recognize the conditioning and unconscious patterns that have formed much of your life. When you look at your beloved, you see how they’re still deeply in the suffering. And you do the only thing you can; you begin to reprogram your mind, your beliefs. You become aware of the ego tricks. Slowly, you’re regaining your power.

Simultaneously, you start working your way through the layers of emotions stored in your emotional body. The volume and intensity of unprocessed emotional wounds surprise you. It seems never to end. But you continue. As an apprentice of life, you do your work and show up. But after a couple of months, years, decades, you become exhausted. And you ask yourself whether this truly is a way. You wonder whether you’ll actually heal.

Welcome to the Mystery School

Step onto a journey of remembering, initiation, and integrating your soul’s wisdom across lifetimes.

Soul Healing Is the Next Step

During your awakening journey, your relationship with your soul changes. First, you hadn’t been aware of its existence. Then you start communicating with your soul. You might be curious to receive guidance from your soul. And then you begin to embody your soul. Later you realize that there is a much greater process taking place. Your soul is now calling you. Loud and clear.

At this point, you feel like you’re here to do something meaningful with your life. For some of you, it might be clear. For others, there are layers of deep soul wounds blocking you from realizing your purpose. Yet, the deep calling is not going anywhere. In fact, it’s getting overwhelming. And you feel torn in between. On one level, you want to move forward so much. On the other level, there is like an energetic barrier preventing you from stepping into who you are fully.

What Will Soul Healing Do For You?

If this is the place you’re in, it’s time for soul healing. You’re guided to do soul healing without even understanding what it is. The very fact, you’re now on this page, reading these words, means your soul has led you here. Because you’re ready for soul healing. It means that to some extent – even though imperfect – you’ve put foundations in place. You’ve moved and began working on the first layers of healing – the physical, mental, energetic, and emotional.

Your soul is beautiful, but it isn’t perfect. It’s not yet the unchangeable, perfect expression of Source essence. Rather it’s a masterpiece in progress. Always magnificent. But also fragmented, stuck, and full of wounds. If you think your life experiences thus far feel overwhelming, then imagine how many more of such (worse and better) lives your soul has been through!

Souls are undernourished. They get exhausted moving through layers of patterns and lessons from life to life. From dimension to dimension. From a planet to planet. It’s not an easy process. But how well do we nourish our souls? How much do we take care of our soul’s energy and light? And most of all, do we truly listen when the soul guides us to the next level of healing? Or do we rather stop the flow because of all those Earthly fears? Thus remaining in the same cycle?

Soul healing will trigger your soul’s memories and simultaneously clear out the debris of soul wounds, allowing you to integrate your lessons.

Soul healing is complex healing. Depending on your skills or the healer you’re working with, you can take it as far as you can. Soul healing is about calling back the fragmented parts of your soul. It’s also about rejuvenating your soul. And here, self-care is a must. But the real soul rejuvenation goes way beyond it. As you move through layers of soul healing, you’ll inevitably tap into other lives to resolve deep soul wounds. But it doesn’t end there either. Then we move on the multidimensional healing, which in itself contains many more layers of healing.

The whole point of soul healing is to liberate your essence from this planet and ascend. Soul healing will make you feel whole.

And it will help you step into your power. Through soul healing, you’ll begin to access your soul’s memories. You’ll start activating DNA codes if this is a part of your journey at this point. Soul healing will also guide you to your potential and purpose. Your understanding of the creation and your soul’s journey will expand. You’ll find levels of deep fulfillment and ease you didn’t know existed. And this, dear soul, is still just the beginning.

Do what you came here to do. Heal soul your soul wounds. Step courageously into your soul’s power to embody your purpose. Explore the LIGHTWORKER HEALING.

How to Heal Your Soul | Soul Wounds and Soul Patterns

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