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woman sitting in desert at the sunset

This Is the Actual Reason You Keep Thinking About the Past

Although thinking about the past leads us to change the way we look at ourselves, it still has its value. When we can’t let go of something, there is deeper reason for it. Read about the spiritual perspective on thinking about the past.

man sitting in a meditation position in front of taj mahal

The 6 Levels of How to Access Your Higher Self

When you know how to access your higher self, you raise your consciousness, and consequently, you step more into your potential. 

Accessing your higher self and learning how to nurture this connection is the most practical thing you can do. It gradually improves every aspect of your life. 


How to Let Go of Control by Trusting in Higher Power?

To invite ease and synchronicities into our lives, we need to learn to let go of control. Although control can bring us a false sense of security, it blocks our true potential. Read about 4 principles that will help you let go of control.

woman blowing golden powder into the air

This Is Why Empaths Have Low Self-Confidence

Empaths have low self-confidence because they focus too much on others. While doing that, you can’t know who you are. You can’t know what is YOURS energy and what belongs to others.


Check Your Energy before Asking the Universe for Guidance

You’ve been probably asking the universe for guidance many times. Sometimes it works, yet every now and then it doesn’t and you wonder why. You may even think that the universe doesn’t care about you and you feel isolated. 

How to Trust the Universe to Align With Your Highest Good

When we don’t trust the universe we unconsciously cut ourselves off the abundant flow. When we don’t trust the universe, we repel financial abundance, love, and even emotional and mental support of friends or family.


The Dark Night of the Soul: What You Need to Know

It’s like a ground shakes beneath our feet and we don’t know who we are anymore. The meaning of our previous life is gone. Unlike the depression, the Dark Night of the Soul is primarily an experience of our soul.


Spiritual Initiation You Might Be Going through Now

Recognizing those tests and initiations is essential if you feel like you’ve been healing something for long and yet it’s still coming back to you.
Or you feel caught up in between two worlds, unable to move either direction.


Ascension Energies in a New Decade: It’s Time to Remember

The ascension energies 2019 will take you as high as you allow it. The ascension or spiritual awakening is a process of remembering your true self and letting go of past versions of you which no longer align with your core frequency.

a man standing on a ladder surrounded by blue sky

7 Ways How Seeking Approval From Others Stops You

When you seek approval from others, you become someone else and live the life of others instead of yours. What other people expect you to do gets in the way of your inner guidance. Thus, you’re not able to hear your inner GPS. 


The 7 Chief Dynamics of the Lightworker Journey to Know

The lightworker journey is meant to grow you. Not always it is easy and sometimes you feel that you can’t take it anymore. Still, it’s worth every step. You don’t choose your mission; the mission chooses you. You’re here to follow the lightworker journey because there is no turning back.

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