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Life Coach Sylvia Salow
Life Coach Sylvia Salow

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a couple dancing in the beach

Break the Spell of Special Love Relationship

The special love relationship sounds like a fairytale. But it’s the master idea of the ego that prevent us from hearing the call of truth and healing completely.

man and woman holding hand in hand

Let Your Multidimensional Self Teach You

Are you connecting to your multidimensional self? Being aware of your multidimensional self can accelerate your inner growth more than anything.

couple in the street holding each other

7 Ways How to Stop Losing Yourself in a Relationship

Are you losing yourself in a relationship? Most of us has experienced this not-so-nice form of a slow inner death. There is no shame about it. But if you’re losing yourself in a relationship, you have to control of the direction of your life. Read about the 7 ways how to change it.


3 Mind Shifts to Start Choosing Yourself Now

Choosing yourself can be the hardest thing you’ve ever done. But it’s the way to embody your purpose and highest potential. These are the 3 principles of choosing yourself.

woman with long blond hair running at the sunset

Unveil the 9 Pillars of the Self-Realization Process

Self-realization is a conscious path of your highest potential. When you embody your highest self, you become a sovereign soul. which is our aim here on Earth. Discover the 9 pillar of self-realization process.

How to Know When the Soul is Calling You

When the soul is calling you, you’ve just entered a crucial point in your life. These are 3 ways when your soul is calling you to expand.

old world map and book about moon

4 Surprising Ways of Remembering Past Lives

This article will offer you a deeper understanding of past lives and also explain phenomena when more people believe to be the same person from our history.


5 Key Steps on How to Find Yourself

How to find yourself and stand in your soul’s power? Let me guide you through my story and these 5 crucial steps to finding yourself.

grayscale photo of person jumping overlooking clouds

7 Amazing Practices to Shift Your Energy You’ll Love

As the global awakening process is getting a higher spin, it’s imperative to have tools to shift your energy. Shifting your energy is essential because if you don’t do it, you can be carried away in a different direction than you want.

person with assorted-color light paint on face

The 6 Secrets to Stop Dimming Your Light

From my experience of a spiritual coach, I share with you secrets to stop dimming your light. All of the 6 steps will help you to reclaim your inner light again.

an old happy woman smiling outdoor

5 Spiritual Tips on How to Be Happy In Life

Learning how to be happy is one of the greatest spiritual principles you can incorporate into your life. Sometimes we think that we need to do the right things and forget about our own happiness. This can’t be further from the truth! The universe wants you to be happy every single day.

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