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Life Coach Sylvia Salow
Life Coach Sylvia Salow

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Here is Why Not Let Others Define You

Don’t let others define you and your choices because it’s a waste of time. You can’t live on someone else’s timeline to find happiness. Your life has always been between you and your soul. Become the master of it.


What Does It Take To Lead a Soul-Aligned Life?

What is the difference between a soul-aligned life and an “artificial” life? What blocks us from creating a soul-aligned life? Do you live a soul-aligned life or do you keep situations past their due date out of fear? Are you doing what is easy or what is right?


9 Practical Tips to Create Your 5D Life

How to create a 5D life? The Earth is the melting pot of 3D and 5D energies. And we can embody the 5D energy in our lives already now. Here are my 9 tips.


How to Remember Your True Self?

It’s time to remember your true self; there is a reason you feel called to know who you are on the deepest level.

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