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Life Coach Sylvia Salow
Life Coach Sylvia Salow

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How to Know When the Soul is Calling You

When the soul is calling you, you’ve just entered a crucial point in your life. These are 3 ways when your soul is calling you to expand.

old world map and book about moon

4 Surprising Ways of Remembering Past Lives

This article will offer you a deeper understanding of past lives and also explain phenomena when more people believe to be the same person from our history.

man with a laptop on a clean desk holding hands

Stop Waiting for Life to Happen. This Is It.

Stop waiting and hiding from what you truly want. This is already it. Imperfect. Juicy. Sometimes challenging. But immensely beautiful. Shift your mindset…

an open book, coffee cup and bucket of flowers

My 5 Key Lessons Learned in 2019

My key lessons learned in 2019 revolved around managing my energy and relationships on a whole new level. As well as uncommon ways of growing into my potential.


5 Key Steps on How to Find Yourself

How to find yourself and stand in your soul’s power? Let me guide you through my story and these 5 crucial steps to finding yourself.

person with assorted-color light paint on face

The 6 Secrets to Stop Dimming Your Light

From my experience of a spiritual coach, I share with you secrets to stop dimming your light. All of the 6 steps will help you to reclaim your inner light again.

an old happy woman smiling outdoor

5 Spiritual Tips on How to Be Happy In Life

Learning how to be happy is one of the greatest spiritual principles you can incorporate into your life. Sometimes we think that we need to do the right things and forget about our own happiness. This can’t be further from the truth! The universe wants you to be happy every single day.

Quantum Shifts: How to Shift Your Reality Fast?

Many people use quantum shifts to alter their realities and step into a better version of themselves. In this article, I’ll guide you through the process of making quantum shifts. 

woman sitting in desert at the sunset

This Is the Actual Reason You Keep Thinking About the Past

Although thinking about the past leads us to change the way we look at ourselves, it still has its value. When we can’t let go of something, there is deeper reason for it. Read about the spiritual perspective on thinking about the past.

man sitting in a meditation position in front of taj mahal

The 6 Levels of How to Access Your Higher Self

When you know how to access your higher self, you raise your consciousness, and consequently, you step more into your potential. 

Accessing your higher self and learning how to nurture this connection is the most practical thing you can do. It gradually improves every aspect of your life. 

How to Trust the Universe to Align With Your Highest Good

When we don’t trust the universe we unconsciously cut ourselves off the abundant flow. When we don’t trust the universe, we repel financial abundance, love, and even emotional and mental support of friends or family.

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