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Life Coach Sylvia Salow
Life Coach Sylvia Salow

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How to Tap Into Starseed Consciousness Grid

When Starseeds embody and integrate their light codes and star knowledge, they maintain their connection to the web of light, enhancing their remembering process.


Decode the Spiritual Ego Trap of the Superiority Complex

Your ego might be controlling you by making you feel superior to others or inferior in your relationships. In order to feel superior to others, you have to separate yourself from them…and from yourself. Let’s shed some light on one of the master ego tricks to keep us from realizing who we truly are.


Your Ultimate Purpose Is to Express Your True Essence

When you give space to your true essence to be felt, seen, and heard, you live your highest potential. Your true essence is like a cosmic heartbeat. Align with it. Feel it. Let it penatrate your being.

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