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Three Key Steps How to Practice Non-Attachment

There are many techniques how to practice non-attachment. Here, I’d like to motivate you to move from the attachment to allowing. Motivation is the heart of everything. If we know why something is better for us, it’s easier to make it a part of our lives. Therefore, the first step to practice non-attachment begins with motivation. And the greatest motivation is realizing that there are experiences and people meant for you. You don’t need to control those situations to happen. They happen when you’re not resisting life. When you trust life, you know that everything will always work out the best possible way for you. And therefore, you don’t need to hold onto anything artificially. Because that would only prevent the soul-aligned goodness from your life.

Why Practice Non-Attachment?

First things first. Non-attachment doesn’t mean you don’t care. Nor it means you don’t have preferences in life. Practicing non-attachment means that you allow the right things and people to come into your life. In its essence, it’s about allowing what is meant for you to be magnetized to your life. When you’re in a state of allowing, you’re not fixed with the specifics. You’re not trying to manifest a specific person. Neither are you fixed with an idea when and how things should happen. And mostly, you’re not attached to the identities, experiences, or people who would elevate your ego.

There are two ways of living. One tries to control and manipulate everything. The second seeks alignment with its highest path. When you believe that you have to make things happen. And only specific things can come to you; then, you’re greatly underestimating yourself. Not only do you not believe that there is infinite abundance and love, but you don’t believe in yourself either. An endeavor to control life comes from disconnection from our true nature and from life itself. I speak more about this in my video below.

The second way of living is about allowing. When you allow what’s meant for you to come without fear of how exactly it should look like, you live expansively. Similarly to a woman who doesn’t want to be disappointed on her birthday, she tells her partner which gifts she wants; we do the same. Our ideas about what is best for us are limited. Yet, we tell our higher selves that this is the best thing for us. Only this thing or person will make us happy. But is it true? How can you know what’s best for you?

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Three Simple Steps on How to Practice Non-Attachment

The essence of practicing non-attachment is returning to your center. It becomes easier not to create attachments to people and situations when we’re rooted in our center. When we move away from our core, we look for a sense of center through external situations. When we’re energetically at home, we find that home outside of ourselves. And the more we seek source externally, the more attached to that outside source we become.

1. Check Your Intentions

The first key step how to practice non-attachment is to check your intentions. Intentions pre-pave the energetics of the outcome. When our intentions come from control, fear, or ego, the results won’t bring us happiness. If the intention of manifesting something is to get more control, possess someone, or because we need something, we’re sinking deeper into the attachment.

On the other hand, when the intention for calling something into your life is to expand or to experience the richness of you, it’s aligned with your higher self. When our intentions come from a place of alignment, we practice non-attachment. Because there is no attachment where you’re one with your true self. Attachment comes from the insecurity of the ego about its identity. Thus it seeks to prove itself through situations and people. In contrast, when you stop keeping people and situations artificially in your life, you aren’t attached to them.

There is no attachment when you’re one with your true self.

In many cases, it’s our intentions that need readjustment, not the people or situations. For instance, if an intention to be in a relationship comes from a fear of being alone, there is an unhealthy attachment. Or when an intention to get promoted comes from a space of self-validation and proving yourself to others, you’re attached to it.

When we’re attached to something, we turn that thing or person into a god or an evil. All the while we keep chasing that thing, we’re detouring even further from our highest path. In fact, this is the main reason why to practice non-attachment. It helps you to stay on your highest timeline.

2. Alignment Over Specifics

The second step of how to practice non-attachment is aligning with your highest path. When we let go of the specifics and simultaneously decide what we want energetically, we move into allowing. Allowing doesn’t mean we don’t want to create or experience anything—quite the opposite. Yet we make sure our desires come from the soul and not our ego. That way, we set in motion a powerful momentum and rekindle a fire in our hearts.

How would it feel to live a life that is completely aligned with your higher self? How about living a life that feels like it was made for you? What if that kind of life was available to you? The good news is that it’s available to you. But I’ll not lie to you; it takes some readjustments and healing before we allow ourselves to experience it. It takes time to embody the state of allowing. And this is one of the essential steps of practicing non-attachment.

Once we let the soul inspire us to take aligned action, we detach from the specifics. Instead, we focus on staying in the flow of the energy. When you stay in the energy, it feels spacious. You have a feeling of continuous expansion. Your aura gets bigger, brighter, and more magnetic. Suddenly, things begin to flow.

When you practice non-attachment, it’s vital to find an alignment with your higher self. From a practical point of you living in alignment means that:

  • You start creating from the inside. Instead of doing what you “should” do, you let your soul guide you.
  • Instead of hoarding more, you choose the things and experiences that are aligned with you.
  • You choose simplicity and following your inner truth.
  • Before you commit to something, you check in with your heart.

3. Something Better

The last piece of advice on how to practice non-attachment is to open yourself up to something even better. When we believe that only something specific will make us happy, we shut the door to better experiences. Although the universe may knock on your door to bring you something more aligned, you’re saying, “No, thank you.”

An example could be believing that you could be happy only with some specific person. And even though they don’t feel the same, you’re trying to manifest them in your life. But what if this person is simply not for you? Isn’t it easier to accept it and move on? What if the universe wanted to bring you a perfectly aligned partner with whom you could be actually happy, but you keep saying no, and you keep waiting.

So whenever you start to feel unhealthy dependency, ask yourself, could something even better come to your life? How would more joy, ease, love, and abundance look like? Are you willing to open yourself up to the possibility?

When we get attached, our vision zooms in. It can only see that one thing, and it makes it a centerpiece of our existence. But there are always more stars in the universe. You don’t have to use your life force energy to force things that aren’t for you into existence. Instead, question your intentions, commit to only what’s aligned with your soul, and open yourself up to something better.

Stop Keeping Things Artificially In Your Life


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