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Life Coach Sylvia Salow
Life Coach Sylvia Salow

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woman sitting in lotus position meditating

The Key to Understanding Your Subconscious Mind

Understanding your subconscious mind will bring you a sense of power over the direction of your life. The subconscious mind carries blueprints for our current experiences.

happy child playing outside

7 Principles of the Law of Abundance

Read about the seven principles of the Law of Abundance and see how you can incorporate them into your life so that you let abundance work for you.

man with a laptop on a clean desk holding hands

Stop Waiting for Life to Happen. This Is It.

Stop waiting and hiding from what you truly want. This is already it. Imperfect. Juicy. Sometimes challenging. But immensely beautiful. Shift your mindset…


How to Let Go of Control by Trusting in Higher Power?

To invite ease and synchronicities into our lives, we need to learn to let go of control. Although control can bring us a false sense of security, it blocks our true potential. Read about 4 principles that will help you let go of control.


Overwhelmed by Too Many Ideas Right Now? Do This.

We get easily overwhelmed by too many ideas. However, most of them are distractions. Read about the 4 ways how to choose which dreams to follow. And where ideas originate from.

an old man reading newspaper in living room

Unlock the Power of Spiritual Discernment

The spiritual discernment is one of the most important qualities that we should all strengthen. The gift of discernment has always been important but as we can now access any information, some of it might not come from the purest source or intentions.

man standing on a cliff surrounded by mountains

6 Tips on How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Don’t get disheartened when you sabotage yourself, we all do. Just keep moving towards your goals. When you want to get out of your comfort zone consciously, you’re retraining decades of your mind’s conditioning.

man standing in snow looking at mountain

6 Excuses That Stop You From Achieving Greatness

Achieving greatness is a highly individual process. For everyone, it means something different as we all bring unique visions to our planet. But we all have something in common, we stop ourselves before we even take the first step. Let’s break down some of your excuses for achieving greatness. 

a young man playing piano at the sunset

How the Fear of Your Potential Might Impact Your Life?

The fear of potential blocks people so much that they develop illnesses, financial problems, fights with their spouses, just anything so they don’t need to change. You spend so much extra energy on keeping you within the framework of […]

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