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your actions matter

Here is Exactly Why Your Actions Matter (So Much)

Your actions matter because they’re the signs to the universe saying that you’re ready for what you want. You’re ready to do the work. And your intentions are true.

If you’re like me, then you have many dreams, desires and things that you want to bring into your life. My list is almost endless. I want world peace, ride in a sleigh pulled by wolves in the Arctic Circle (well, it already happened), hike in the Himalayas (also happened), or try weightlessness in orbit.

Even though I may intend to visit Antarctica, there is an enormous gap between intent or make something happen.

The action is manifested intention.

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Before you take steps toward your desire, it’s only a thought (or wish). Other words, we can speak about real intention AFTER we start to act upon it.


By acting, you reveal your intention. 


First, you become the vibration of what you want so you can perceive it. And the way to become the vibration is through taking action. Do what you like or want, so you express the intention. Without taking action, all your desires are simply a theory.

There have always been many great and talented people full of ideas that have never been manifested. They’ve never become the energy of their dreams so the universe couldn’t line up in the form of synchronicity to gift them with the results they’ve wanted.

The problem (usually) isn’t about having ideas but about taking action. This is the secret that distinguishes successful people from dreamers.


The formula is easy. Get inspired, vividly envision your dream, internally align with it and take action.


You reveal your intentions (for the universe) through the actions you take (or not). When you become the reality that you want, then more synchronicity will follow.


In order to create synchronicity, you have to take an action first. 


I guess that you all know when you want to get divorced, write a book or lose weight BUT it takes a long time before you act. No matter how long you wait, it doesn’t bring you the result without an action.

It seems that everything conspired against you. Until there comes a moment when you say that you’ve had enough and you’ll make it happen no matter what.

Suddenly, out of the blue, you meet a divorce lawyer, someone tells you about a great publisher who’d be interested in your book and everything starts to move towards your dreams. Except, it’s not a dream anymore, now it’s happening.

First, it’s you who has to be sure what you want so you can be supported. The universe only knows what you truly want by YOU taking the first steps.

Getting stuck is easy. You can have many dreams that stay just a theory if you don’t act on them. Waiting makes you doubt your capabilities, and you quickly feel powerless.


Start before you feel ready and the result will follow. 


You can ALWAYS create more than you think. Over-analyzing every step will get you stuck thus preventing you from have the life you want.

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